Sweating It Out: The Benefits of Hot Yoga
One of the biggest advantages to practicing hot yoga is that it allows for greater flexibility and range of motion. This means that poses may be easier to execute compared to cooler temperatures.
Read moreA Morning Yoga Routine to Start Your Day on the Right Foot
The Cat-Cow pose is the perfect way to warm up your spine and stretch out any tightness or tension you may have been carrying overnight. To begin this pose, start in a tabletop position with your h...
Read moreJumpstart Your Day with a Morning Yoga Routine
The sun salutation is an excellent way to begin your yoga practice. This series of postures stretches the entire body and warms up your muscles for a full-body workout. To perform the sun salutatio...
Read moreA Morning Yoga Routine to Start Your Day Right
Start by inhaling deeply while raising both arms above your head and reaching towards the sky. Exhale as you fold forward from the hips and relax your hands onto the floor (or around your legs if i...
Read moreYoga Exercises to Help Relieve Back Pain
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This classic yoga pose stretches out the entire body while providing relief for aching backs. Start on all fours with palms pressing into the floor sligh...
Read moreTake Control of Back Pain with Yoga
The Cat/Cow pose is a great way to warm up your body before doing more intense exercises. Start by placing your hands and knees on the ground with your back in a neutral position.
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